When you invite your clients to Catipult, your name will appear in the top-right-hand corner of their Catipult dashboard. That's cool, right?
This is even better: if you give the free trial of Catipult software to your prospects, your name will automatically appear in their subscription of Catipult. When they choose to hire a coach, your name will be there. Who else would they hire, if not the coach who gave them the software and plan they're using?
Catipult's team hated meetings so much, we built one of the simplest, yet fully functional meeting functions on the market. It essentially does everything for you.
Not only does it include recommended agendas for weekly, six-week tactical, quarterly and annual meetings, it also automatically pulls in your clients' KPIs, projects with due dates and status, and any issues that need to be discussed. You can create custom meetings, run boards or masterminds and run your own practice on it.
Catipult's software is not just a strategic plan and plan management tool, it also includes a business operating system (BOS) process that's so easy to use, you won't know you're using it.
The software automatically works through the Catipult "Wheel" shown above, and then defines, in Catipult University, how to add your second, third and other level KPIs into the system. The meeting Rhythm is next. This entire process just takes a few hours, not a few days.
You can quickly add clients from your dashboard. Once you invite them, they will then accept your invitation when they log into Catipult.
From that point on, you'll be able to manage their entire company from your own Catipult subscription. It really doesn't get much easier.
Catipult is intentionally designed to be much more than just a strategic tool to help your current practice.
Catipult can help you enter and compete in the fast-growing, $20 billion (+) strategic coaching industry.
We're intentionally KPI-based and deliver the KPIs that owners need to know to command the highest valuations, lowest borrowing costs and more.
In just 22 hours, we can train you to enter this market and, within five weeks, you will have you talk to business owners who want our solution.